Domestic Abuse Experts
Children at the heart of domestic abuse practice

Expert Assessments and Interventions
Working with parents in court proceedings and child protection measures, our experts have many years of experience in providing specialist assessments and bespoke interventions.
Our Services
Sex Offender Assessments
Where sexual abuse is identified as a potential risk to children, an assessment of the risk of sexual harm presented by the perpetrator and the non-offending parent's capacity to protect can be provided. Risk management plans will also be included where an offender has close contact with a family.

Providing Clarity
Our expert assessments offer clarity and insight into the dynamics of abuse and ongoing risks within the family, including a professional and realistic opinion on specific issues of concern and the sources of risk.
A Child Centred Approach
Regardless of the type of assessment or intervention delivered, the safety and wellbeing of the child is paramount.

Relevant Expertise
Our independent experts have many years' experience in the field and in the family courts as specialists and expert witnesses.

Within Children's Timescales
We have a professional reputation for providing assessments on time and within budget.

Accessible Sessions
The use of video calling for one-to-one sessions and assessments breaks down many practical barriers to parents' attendance.

Our Values

Moving Complex Cases Forward
DVACT-PAI specialises in complex cases with assessments designed to help move cases forward with clear recommendations for risk management and realistic views on the prognosis for change via treatment.